Monday, January 31, 2011

Car-Bear is 18!

[quick explanation for the title: We always call Caroline "Car Bear" (pronounced "care-bear") but writing it gets confusing because it seems wrong to add an "e" when the "e" is not in her name.. it's a problem we've run into over the years haha If we're going with the Care Bears TV show I think our Car Bear would be Funshine Bear but this weekend... She was Birthday Bear!]

So, not to sound dramatic, but this post has been about 18 years in the making... Caroline turned 18 this weekend and it was quite a celebration! I can't begin to explain how thankful I am that God gave her to our family and to Emily and I as a little sister. I really cannot imagine a better little sister and I wish I could explain in this post how much God has taught me and shaped my life through her but that would end up being a book (maybe that's what I'll do after I graduate!). I was reminded so much of God's incredible provision for my family and for my family as Caroline reached this mile-stone and my family and some dear friends were blessed to walk through it with her.

It seems very much in God's providence that Sanctity of Life Sunday was Sunday before Caroline's birthday. It was very sobering to talk with Mom and Dad about the many children who's lives are ended before birth because their parents find out that their child will have Down Syndrome. I'm reminded of a presentation Emily and I both did explaining "Up Syndrome" to our elementary school classmates and how proud of her and thankful for her we have always been... she's our sister. 

Caroline spent her birthday night at Hope Hollow, the camp for special needs children that has become one of her favorite places, with many friends and celebrated her birthday... it was only the beginning of the big weekend! Emily and Josh got in town on Friday night and it was so much fun to have them in town. The weather was absolutely beautiful on Saturday (a reminder of God's provision in both the large and small matters in life, Matt. 6:26) so we all went and had a picnic then explored the NEW Mississippi Children's Museum together! It was phenomenal it was also so exciting to see how much Caroline enjoyed it... I think she may have also found a career in Forestry!
Caroline... Future Forester of Mississippi
Caroline wanted to have a pizza party for her birthday so we all went to Sal and Mookie's in Fondren! Three of her wonderful Sunday School teachers (who are more like members of our family) came and shared dinner with us as well as one of Caroline's best friends from school. To see Caroline's face light up when she saw her friends walk in was one of the most moving things, it was pure love for her friends that shone in her eyes. After dinner several waiters brought Car a birthday desert and sang "Happy Birthday" to her-- even the kitchen staff joined in! Once again, the joy and surprise on Caroline's face said it all: she knew that it was just for her.

"Prince", Tracy and Jan... Thank you for being part of our family!

Caroline was shocked by the wait-staff helping us celebrate!

Mom and Car Bear

"Thank You" isn't enough for almost 26 years of incredible parenting... I love you!

Caroline with Jeff Good, one of Jackson's favorite restaurateurs

Caroline and Granny

You may see this again at Christmas haha

We LOVE Mary Helen!

Love you, sis!

Great picture!

We all went to church together this morning. I love going to church with Caroline because she lives out Psalm 122:1, "I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the LORD'". Caroline's faith in her savior Jesus Christ, although she can't express it verbally, is so encouraging to me because of the fruit that is so evident in her life. I am so assured of her salvation and that brings me tears of joy. 

"Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."


  1. Sarah Stone, this post brough tears to my eyes. Car is such a blessing to our entire family and I love seeing her because she just lights up a room with that sweet Stone smile. I couldn't imagine having more precious cousins like you guys!

  2. I absolutely love your little sister! Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful pictures, and please tell her Happy Birthday from me!

  3. Sarah, this is beautiful. Thanks for giving us a window into Caroline's very special weekend. I wish we could have been there. We, too, are so thankful for her. We are blessed to have her in the family and she is blessed to have you and Emily as sisters. Hope your senior year is going well. We love you all. Aunt Linda

  4. What a testimony of God's revealation to us all. Not only is Car a testimony of the love and sovereignty of God but you and Emily are also. You Dad is special to me for so many reasons. He is a MAN of God. The legancy of your mom and dad is so strong with the love of Christ. I am blessed to know them and you all.

  5. Sis, you couldn't have said it better! Last weekend has been 18 years in the making. Remember her first birthday cake - at 1 week old! Wow, how time has flown by. I thank God everyday for the wonderful family I grew up in. I've found it so hard to describe the closeness of our family to someone who hasn't experienced a similar situation. But when the whole unit (including great extended family and friends!) works toward one goal it's just amazing!

    I love you so much and am so thankful for you and Car!

    - em

  6. Knowing "Car-Bear", my sweet Caroline, has been one of the most encouraging things in my life. Truth is, even after my worst sermons ever, she still thinks they're good and hugs me. Now, that's a preacher's favorite.

  7. Sweet Sarah, I'm just now seeing this wonderful post about your sister whom we all love. She has been a gift to us and our church family. You are so right. God has taught us so much about Himself through Caroline.
    Love you a ton.
